Monday, May 18, 2009

Of exercising one's franchise and the worthlessness of the voting exercise as practiced in India

The election fever was upon India again as the whole country geared up for the Lok Sabha Elections. The UPA and the NDA were the primary alliances in the race and given the umpteen no of faux pas' both sides have been commiting in the run upto the election it was tough predicting a winner. Personally I think the likes of Rahul Gandhi should be stoned and the BJP cauterized for its racist and religion based politics. The BJP has done well in the past ( of particular mention is the golden quadrilateral which is bearing fruit only now) under Vajpayee but somehow post-vajpayee they seem to lack a honest leader. Advani is good at agression and is a skilled politician but somehow his candidature doesn't seem upto the mark. He lacks the intellectuality of Manmohan Singh and too many of his party members frequently mouth off and make it difficult for him to run a tight ship. That said, the congress has had its share of troubles like the pardoning of Quattrochi and other matters. 

Elections in Tamil Nadu is one huge boiling cauldron of crossings and double crossings, ship jumpers and piggy-backers, film stars and ancient men hardly able to stand, weapon brandishing thugs and murderers, all of whom are the so called politicians that run the state. The present election scenario had the DMK allying with the congress and the AIADMK with the Left Parties and PMK ( led by that piggy backing bastard Ramadoss). Both corners campaigned long and hard and spent thousands of crores wooing voters with false promises and more false promises. Rumour has it that the congress paid Vijayakanth's DMDK party 300 crores to contest all 40 constituencies alone in an apparent bid to split the AIADMK vote here. Most of the campaigning involved both sides playing the blame game and the hot issue of the blame game was the plight of the tamils caught in the civil war in Sri Lanka. The amount of propaganda and media coverage given to all this unholy mess resulted in only one thing. The voting public were completely denied of any information with even the semblance of truth on any issue under the sun.  Come election day,I went along with my family to my native village to cast our votes ( for some reason we still havent applied for a change in our voting constituency to anna nagar where we currently live.) Our village Ayanambakkam is located near the ambatur industrial estate and is fast becoming heavily industrialized but the core part of the village is still dominated by a couple of rudimentary tar streets and our extended family's three houses. For many miles surrounding this are pristine farm lands and rural dwellings where people thrive mainly on agriculture. Such a rural lifestyle is hardly seen anywhere else within the city limits. As we neared our village via potholed and undrivably rough streets in our car we could see clutches of people hurrying to and fro, some shouting slogans, others staring at the metallic intrusion in their path, some going to voting booths and other party workers generally shouting and milling about. Near the booth some election officials were camped at a couple of tables and chairs and were giving out voting slips to people after checking their voters list. Now, our extended family have been staunch supporters of the DMK party and my grandfather's generation was actively involved in party politics and almost everyone in the village knew our family members and our political stance. So, as our car neared the booth, we were mobbed by rough looking people on all sides each one hollering at us to cast votes for the one party or the other. Hurried and hustled among this dangerous looking crowd we finally got our voting slips ( torn pieces of used paper) and stood in line at our "ward". The ward was accomodated in one of the class rooms of a govt school there and it was every bit as shaby as a pig sty. A couple of election officials sat were inside the room having  a few tables, benches and the electronic voting machine. With further ado, we went in and voted. While coming back also we were mobbed by the crowd asking us if we had voted for their party or not.

The way the elections are conducted itself says a lot about the setup of the govt and the democratic facade behind which it hides. Under paid officials, disgustingly maintained voting booths, scant regard for election rules and regualtions all leading to people losing faith in exercising their franchise. This year around 67 % percent of registered voters turned up to vote. When such a low percentage( of which a good percentage votes for the party which bribes them or promises them the most) of voters turn up the verdict is not going to matter much. The same vote bank of people who voted 30 years ago are the ones voting today . So where will the change come from?. People say the younger generation will choose their leaders more wisely but my argument is that the youth brigade is so darn disgusted and uninterested that a lot of them dont vote. When some of them do, they do so without a good study of the party and its manifest. In reality it doesn't really matter what is in the manifest, because it's a given that politicians are corrupt to the core and do nothing for the people. A good government can only be formed if close to 90 % of registered voters exercise their franchise and remove corrupt politicians and anti-people parties. This year's Lok Sabha elections ended in a resounding win for the UPA govt. and quiet frankly nobody knows if this is for the better or worse. As usual our hyper sensitive sensex zoomed up 20 % on these results and was closed. That is about the only significant thing that the results have shown. Now the time has come for  alliances to fall apart and the blame game starts among the losing parties and horse trading for minister posts starts and the whole process repeats itself in a vicious circle. Oh, one can go on and on about the election antics of this great country but I will stop here since I suspect that anyone bored enough to read my blog must be fed up with all my rants above!!